The new generation
AI that you can

NukkAI is the leader of New-generation AI, we empower companies to solve their most complex problems while ensuring humans remain in control.

Our Assets


With NukkAI algorithms, you can easily communicate with machine, adjust the parameters and make more informed decisions.


By combining different AI paradigms, our AI Nook can be tuned to moste complex problems.

Time & cost efficient

By drawing on human intelligence, Nook is 200.000 times more efficient to train than other AI engines.​

Uses Cases

01. Solving Complex Planning Tasks

We assist major companies in overcoming planning challenges that involve a vast number of combinations and constraints while providing transparency and regulatory compliance. Among the many benefits for them: cost reduction, simplification of the very complex process for crew pairing, improvement of productivity, enhanced human – machine interaction to keep people in control of operations and faster iterations.


“Implementing NukkaI technology has been a game changer for Transavia. The AI toolbox helped us optimise our crew pairing process, reduce our operational crew costs, while keeping the human operator in command.”

emmanuel cachia
Emmanuel Cachia
Director of Flight Operations

02. Fusion of heterogeneous data

We develop heterogeneous data aggregation and ontologies to allow high-level queries and automate report creation at different levels of abstraction, also leveraging AI to discover new patterns. This technology, which will be tested during a NATO war game, is fully relevant for the Defense, Cybersecurity and Finance sectors. It also impacts any company that want to leverage data coming from different business units.


“This project is a significant technological breakthrough in the military area, insofar as large volumes of heterogeneous data will be automatically analyzed and synthesized in real time. Our analysts will be able to focus on tasks where humans bring more added value.””

david sadek
David Sadek
Vice President Research Technology and Innovation

03. Adaptive learning

We leverage cognitive science and symbolic machine learning to design adaptive learning modules. They provide the teacher with reliable and explanatory feedback on the development of each learner’s skills.


“The KartOOn platform developed by NukkAI is a model of educational product using Artificial Intelligence. Each teacher will find exercises that will largely increase the number of activities regularly undertaken in class. The aim is not to replace the teacher, but to help them offer students a variety of activities that are perfectly suited to the particular needs of each student. ”

michel gouy
Michel GOUY
Honorary mathematics inspector-general at French Ministry of Education

Ready to collaborate with the new generation AI?

Meet the star team


We’ve gathered renowned international champions from multiple AI fields to create the most comprehensive AI toolbox for complex problem solving. ​

jean baptistev2


The Soul

Chief Executive Officer, I am the one who crystallizes our ideas into your solutions



The Origin

Head of research, and NukkAI’s great agitator (of ideas)

gildas 2


The Builder

Chief Operations Officer, I am the one who builds the relationships with our partners and customers, and who enables them to use our unique solutions around the world



The Professor

Artificial Intelligence researcher, my programs play (much) better than I do



The Sloth

Computer programmer, I try to get computers to work in my stead

jean pierrev2


The Architect

Product leader, I am the one who makes everyone work together!



The Wreckless

The one who does not play, still AIxplains to players how they (should not) play and why



The Player

Computer scientist – what if we make AI less artificial, but more intelligent?



The Explainer

XAI research student, sometimes I cannot explain my own decisions but my AI can!


The Animator

Everywhere at the same time, I organize events and take care of NukkAI team spirit



The Artist

Front-end developer, my goal is to make you see life in pink!



The Time Flow Manager

Office manager, I manage everything that is not intellectually productive.



The Mentalist

Junior researcher, I try to get into the mind of bridge players.


Researcher in Reinforcement Learning, I explore synergies between industrial use cases.



The Alchemist

Research & development engineer, I turn NukkAI’s cutting edge research into gold.



The Daft Punk

Software Engineer, I make code run harder, better, faster, stronger.



The Bridge Druid

I mix all my knowledge about Bridge and Computer science together in my cauldron then I put a spell on NukkAI.


The Octopus

Product Owner, I boost the team and fluidify collective work.


The Advisor

Researcher in behavioural science, I organise experimentations and help to understand users.

We have broken through an AI barrier: the game of Bridge

In March 2022, NukkAI has hit a major milestone in AI by outperforming 8 bridge World champions during a Bridge challenge.​

Until now, Bridge was AI’s unconquered challenge. A step up from simpler games with complete information (chess & go), the game of Bridge is a more complex game with human agents and incomplete information, a perfect testbed for the new generation of AI.

We rely on the most advanced AI technologies

The originality of our approach is based on its hybrid nature (combination of several AI paradigms), making it possible to process incomplete data in a probabilistic universe while providing explanations to humans.​ We mix open source libraries & proprietary algorithms to create the most advanced hybrid AI toolbox. ​

Deep Learning

Inductive Logic Programming

Signal Processing

Multiagent System

Active Learning

Cognitive Science

Abstraction Layer

Genetic Algorithms


Time Series Analysis

Natural Language Processing

Reinforcement Learning

Ontology Management

Tree search

Advanced Expertise


Our latest publications

“Beyond broad and narrow: Intermediate level traits in the personality of bridge players”. In PLoS ONE, 2024.

Camille Sauvain, Véronique Ventos, Jérôme Sackur

Read more

“Combinatorial Games with Incomplete Information”. In 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024, Jeju Island, South Korea.

Junkang Li, Bruno Zanuttini, Véronique Ventos

Read more

“Apprentissage multijoueurs supervisé”. In Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA) at PFIA, 2024, La Rochelle, France.

Malik Kazi Aoual, Henry Soldano, Céline Rouveirol, Véronique Ventos

Read more

support us

NukkAI is proud to be backed by oustanding AI experts from both of academic & the business field.

“The NukkAI challenge is a fundamental breakthrough in the application of white box AI and can be expected in time to have widespread applications in other contexts in science, technology, and industry.”

stephen muggleton
Professor Stephen Muggleton
Royal Academy Chair of Machine Learning

“To Veronique and Jean-Baptiste: Good luck building Hybrid, Interpretable AI. It’s what the world needs !”

citation gary marcus - Home
Pr Gary Marcus
Cognitive scientist

“The Hybrid AI approach that NukkAI intends to deploy in a number of domains, opens a new way to have something that looks more like intelligence than what we have seen in the past few years”

cedric vilani
Cedric Villani
Fields Medal

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